Do I suffer from Romantic relationship shyness?

Do I suffer from Romantic relationship shyness

Have you ever wondered why you have a particularly hard time when speaking to the opposite sex? All people have a little inborn natural shyness, however, some people take it to the extreme when it comes about meeting the opposite sex. They might be over anxious, extremely worried or showing signs of physiological arouse and nervousness that limits their usual behavior. In this article we will review some findings of the profile of the romantic relationship virgin.

If you think you suffer from this and it is seriously affecting your life, it is best to consult a psychotherapist. If the symptoms are not very severe , try breathing techniques , testing in a mirror. Now a days social networks, and dating sites make the dating scene much easier.

Dr. Gilmartin who is an author of Shyness Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment here are some descriptions of the profile of relationship shyness.

I am Still A Virgin.Society Always make a big deal with being a virgin when you are 18 and blah bah, the whole issue is not bad by itself though but it always put pressure on young generation and don’t give them any option.

Haven’t date anyone since school. Honestly you haven’t date anybody since you were in kindergarden… Just make sure you don’t lose your self esteem and never think down of yourself the right time will come for you .

You has suffered or is still suffering emotionally from lack of meaningful opposite sex(or same sex) companionship . In short, you are a person who desperately wants to have a relationship with a man, or woman, but has not because of shyness.

You are someone who feels extremely led by anxiety with the thought of being assertive face to face with men/women amicably. This is the essence of love-shyness .

If its about men, You might think that women are more privileged than them.
Also, They are in a physical form below the average . They tend to be less interested in sports.

You an give great importance , often disproportionate to physical beauty (especially facial beauty). I know that many people are still looking in a women’s breast or ass as a main criteria for dating. .

You are sometimes passive aggressive . This means you don’t speak assertively, you never express what you really want to do, so there’s ambiguity in some actions.

Your mom doesn’t let you to date any girl and every girl in her eyes has an issue.

You are usually very serious, or described as a serious person, contrary to someone that makes laugh or at least their facial expressions are related to happiness.


The Love-Shy Survival Guide by Talmer Shockley

Shyness and Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment by Dr. Brian G. Gilmartin